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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finishing my educational career

"Educational career" is my way of elevating school to something other than, well, school. The fall semester is nearly here. Gulp. At least this time, though, it's my last first day of school, my last fall semester, my last year. In less than a year, I'll break my streak of 21 years of formal education in some form or another. But enough waxing poetic, and on to the nitty gritty: the course schedule.

I have one last required class before our capstone class in the spring. It's some kind of real estate market analysis. I could see this class being really useful, especially since I will probably get my real estate license if I end up in economic development. This leaves room for two electives. I could pick a concentration, and take all my classes in a certain field, but I'd rather take what interests me and gives me the broadest education. With that in mind, I registered for Sacred Landmarks. It's a historic preservation class that meets alternating Saturdays. I'm guessing (or hoping) Saturdays were chosen because there are field trips. Having done the 9-5 class on alternating Saturdays this past spring, let me tell you, one really needs field trips and other activities to break it up. The last class currently is Distressed People, Distressed Places. I had this professor back in the spring, and realized he apparently has a penchant for unique class names. A highly engaging professor whose lectures I enjoyed, but really, what is up with the strange names? Our introduction to economic development class this past spring was titled Urban Spatial Structures. So I'm not entirely sure what this new class is going to be about, but sometimes you just want to stick with the good professors. If that elective doesn't work out, I'll probably take environmental planning, which really interests me, but it is on a slightly less convenient evening for me. 

School starts in less than two weeks. The one thing I am excited about is that it is nearly over. I have only two more classes after this fall to take in the spring, and then: GRADUATION! But within these two weeks, I must write the essay for my summer internship course credit, and get a million things pulled together for the professional organization of which I am president. I'll get through it. *May 15, 2010* is going to be my mantra. 

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